Stick it to the Man 2019 - Exhibition Statement

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To our community:
We are under attack.
They are coming for us on the margins, and so we must be prepared.

They cut education then cut down the trees
they took away our lawyers and came for our wages
kept the funding and starved the artists
forced us into the streets to overdose and die
replaced public health with private wealth
taxed our freedom to live tax-free
violent against women with no truth to reconcile
anti-gay and pro-poverty
and scheming behind the curtain with name brand polluters and the one-percent.

as artists working on the margins
we continue to paint our truths
draw our power
create where they cut
we thrive outside of capitalism
we dance out of the shadows
rewire the megaphone for our silenced voices
we will support our own communities
run our own economies
summon our collective strength
we will do it ourselves
we will stand up
fight back
and stick it to the man.